Accurate property valuation for your home

Accepting a good valuation always remains a sensitive point for many owners.

CASALINA Real Estate, active in the real estate sector since 2004, knows the real estate market in your area inside out and protect you from unrealistic valuations.

This will allow you to sell your property at the right price in a very short time.

Proof of this shows the numbers below

Request your free valuation

Why choose Casalina Real Estate?

  • 18 Dagen
    Average number of days to a sale
  • 4 %
    The maximum difference between our valuation and the actual sale price
  • 94 %
    Sales success rate
  • Large customer base

    Since 2004, we have generated more than 6,500 contacts at all levels, in sales, rental and property management. With our experienced and professional team of experts we are here to meet all our customers’ requirements. 

  • 20 years of experience

    With 20 years of experience in real estate, we offer a good picture of the current housing supply in the various regions our offices are located in. We can provide you with excellent advice and support when buying or selling your home.

  • High customer satisfaction rating

    We have been studying customer satisfaction at our company for years. It is important to continuously focus on the needs and wishes of our customers. That is why we place so much emphasis on reliability, security, responsiveness and empathy.

  • Active on social media

    Social media is part of our plan. We find the time to create enough movement through profiles and blogs. This includes multiple posts every day through meaningful and relevant content. This further expands our following.

  • Publicity

    One of our great assets is that we choose for original publicity campaigns. Live events, such as workshops in which we share our professional expertise, provide more added value. Video marketing is number one for us

  • Realistic valuation

    Accepting the right valuation is still a stumbling block for many owners.
    We know the real estate market in your area through and through and protect you against overestimations. That is why we strive for a realistic and fair valuation, according to the relevant market value, enabling you to sell your property at the right price in a very short period of time.

  • Fulfilling our promise

    We cannot explain in words how important communication is. We try to convey a powerful message through the KISS principle (Keep It Short and Simple: keep it short and make things difficult).

  • Result

    We always strive for the best quality.
    You will be assisted by our permanent employees, trained real estate experts. Their passion for the profession, their experience and their knowledge of sales psychology guarantee the smooth sale of your property. 

Request your free valuation

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SELL with Casalina Real Estate